About Us

Qualified Beekeepers in Sebring, FL

Dragon Sweet Honey was started in 2016 as a family venture with a father and his three sons, and located in Sebring, Florida. The inspiration began by watching commercials on the Flow Hive system, although we never bought one. We ended up purchasing a Langstroth hive the first year. It was more of a hobby at first but now it has grown. We went from one hive the first year to twenty-five hives now and have recently cleared more property to add hundreds of hives.

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We started giving our honey away at first to friends and family because we had some much until someone said "You have to get a website and sell that honey". We moved our hives to some property in Sebring, Florida which is in the heart of Citrus Country. We do not move our bees like a lot of beekeepers do, we keep them in the same location so we do not have to worry about pesticides from the local groves. Our honey is straight from the hives! We extract the honey and filter it to get all the loose wax particles prior to bottling.

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